

About Us
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Rules & Regulations

Welcome to Sundance Homeowner's Association

<<< Board of Directors Meeting>>>
Tuesday October 15, 2024
6:00 pm at the Clubhouse.

Click Here for Regular BOD Meeting Agenda

Sundance HOA Special Edition June 2022 Newsletter

Sundance HOA Calendar of Events

See upcoming events and Clubhouse rental reservations.

Sundance Welcome Newsletter

This Newsletter is for our new residents packed with useful information.

If you're not sure who to contact, email your question or concern to and we'll make sure it gets to the right contact person. To report any suspisous activities call the Sheriff's office at 860-0044.


City Building Permits Required

City approval and a bulding permit are required for most home improvement projects in Cerritos.
Click here to see the full notice.

Notice: Sundance Painting Project Schedule

The painting project at Sundance will commence on Monday, July 29, 2024. The project wil take approximately 5 ½ Months to complete.
A Painting Sequence is attached that depicts the order in which the buildings will be painted.

Click here to see the official notice.

*Sundance Board of Directors Election Results

• Jane Arellano 34
• Mark Gross 16
• Trudy Shiroma 55

Click here to see the official notice.

New Revised Rules and Regulations

The Sundance Board has adopted New Revised rules for the Association.

Click Here to see the notice of the adopted new rules.

Click Here to see the new rules and regulations. The rules can also be found under the Sundance Rules & Regulation page (see link on left column)

Report Dead Birds

You can help monitor Los Angeles Cojnty for West Nile Virus. Whenever you see a dead bird, report it!

Click here for more information

Coyotes in Urban Environments

Like opossums and raccoons, coyotes have adapted over the years to suburban life throughout California and the nation. While Lakewood doesn't have the level of coyote ...

Click here for more info from the Lakewood Chamber of Commerce

If you see a coyote, fill out an online "Wildlife Incident Report" on the Long Beach Animal Care Services website at

Landscaping Schedule for Sundance


Click here for Landscaping site map.

Criminal Marks

The City of Cerritos Sheriff’s Department has become aware of a system of criminal behavior that all should be aware of. These markings may show up on or around your property indicating how vulnerable the residence is to a break-in. Please watch for such markings around your homes.

Cerritos Sheriff's Station Weekly Crime Summary

This is the publication of the City of Cerritos and the Los Angeles County Sheiriff's Department.

Click here to read the latest report

© 2007 Sundance Homeowners Association All rights reserved.
Material in this site is to enhance communication within the community.
The information in this site is not to be used as official rulings or documentation.